hampton roads

“Curse of Witchduck” Book Surfaces at Pretlow Library by ARTCHILLES

It all started as a postage stamp sized portrait of local “Witch of Pungo” as she appeared in my comic strip featuring her old “ducking” grounds at Witch Duck Point. I figured if I couldn’t sell them, I’d give them away at Cool and Eclectic as a weekly give-a-way where winners were drawn from dropped off entry forms. It went okay, until a portrait of the “Witch of Pungo” was featured in the strip. Then some mischievous magic happened - the original portrait vanished from the Witchduck printshop. Apparently the first and only time an original went missing there. Then something eerie happened - the compensation check for his loss was dated - get this - the same day that the “Witch of Pungo” received a rare award in court, apparently, her only win in over a dozen cases. I featured the “Vanished Portrait” of the “Witch of Pungo” on the cover of my book, “ Curse of Witchduck” which was picked up by the Slover Library and the Pretlow Library where I was invited to give a book talk soon. I then submitted a large hand-painted version of the portrait to sit at the entrance of the library facing theChesapeake Bay. I’m now organizing a trip from the ducking spot to the library on a boat.


Shoe the 757 can call their own by ARTCHILLES

A shoe design for the 757 to build our brand. Highlighting our region’s rich nautical history, I created a logo framing our 757 with a porthole, added dock rope trim, used a sand colored bottom sole, water blue midsole, and the 4 sides of a boat as the 4 sides of the shoe, emphasizing the STAR of the right side, STARboard, to emphasize that we are the stars of the 757 - this shoe doesn’t represent a single celebrity to add to their vast fortune, but it represents the region and its constituents. The friendly mammal - the dolphin at the front of the shoe serves to represent our welcoming nature, sort of an extended hand. Putting our best foot forward, I want these shoes to be manufactured locally to build “Made in the 757” brand.


Comic Strip helps raise money for Chesapeake Regional Health Foundation by ARTCHILLES

10 donated comic strips were used to raise money for the BRA-Ha-HA event sponsored by the Chesapeake Regional Health Foundation Board of Directors. I have been using the format of comics for decades to promote events. It is touching to find support from this great foundation. I know the Chesapeake General Hospital nearby well. For years, my ex-wife's rheumatoid arthritis was treated there. My comic strip will also be used in next year's Bra-Ha-Ha event to raise money for early detection of cancer. 

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Bra-Ha-Ha Exclusive Comic Strip Limited Edition Signed by Artchilles by ARTCHILLES


Participating in Benefits and Fundraisers is a passion begun years ago. From participating in the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago's benefit at the Cultural Center of Chicago, where 3 of my works were chosen for exhibition by James Rondeau, (now Director @ the Art Institute of Chicago) to participating in a National Arthritis Telethon Foundation spot (for National TV - it was filmed but bumped by guitarist Les Paul), to doing the calligraphy for the Honor Boards for a TV station. 

I created this Exclusive Strip for the upcoming Bra-Ha-Ha event being held at MacArthur Mall in Norfolk. Naturally, owing to the out of the box thinking my strip epitomizes, it is funky cool. A full page story in the Virginian-Pilot gives the background. I will create 10-20 Limited Edition Signed Numbered Prints fpr the event. Keep eyes open for upcoming takes on life in my hometow strip called "Artchilles." Thank you.    

Virginian-Pilot Story about Beheaded Betty and Broken Elvis is now Online by ARTCHILLES

Katherine Hefner, a reporter from the Virginian-Pilot created a cool article about the broken icons - Beheaded Betty and Broken Elvis, that live happily ever after in a Pink Garage. See the news link here

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